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    FSSAI લાયસન્સ - +919510973963

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    નવરંગપુરા અમદાવાદ , ગુજરાત.

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    FSSAI લાયસન્સ - +919510973963

    FSSAI લાયસન્સ એપ્લિકેશન નંબર ૨૪ કલાક માં મેળવો..

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    FSSAI લાયસન્સ - +919510973963

    જો તમે બેકરી / કૅફે / રેસ્ટોરન્ટ / ફ્રાય સેન્ટર / Nutrition Store ધરાવતા હોવ તો તમારે FSSAI લાયસન્સ લેવું ફરજીયાત છે.

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    FSSAI લાયસન્સ - +919510973963

    મફત સલાહ માટે અમારી સાથે સંપર્કમાં રહો

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is an autonomous body established under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India. The FSSAI has been established under the Food Safety and Standards Act 2006, which is a consolidating statute related to food safety and regulation in India. FSSAI is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety.

Every Food Business Operator(FBO) is required to obtain FSSAI registration. Operating a Food Business without a license is a punishable offence, We are FSSAI Registration Consultant in Navrangpura.

We provide customize guidance on conversion of existing PFA license to new FSSA license OR guidance on applying for a new FSSA license to Central Licensing Authority OR to State Licensing Authority.

Complete a Simple Form

You need to fill our FSSAI application form and provide details about your food business.

Send Your Documents

You need to email us the required documents and we will create your FSSAI Form A and Form B.

Documents Submission

Your FSSAI License Application along with other declarations are filed to the local FBO by our CS/CA.

FSSAI License Issued

We will mail you the license which will act as food license online after regular follow ups with food department.

Types of FSSAI License

Businesses engaged in food activities are required to apply for food license of different types based on turnover, scale of business and the type of activity. Such businesses must apply for either of the licenses (central or state) or simple registration. The criteria specified in rules are as follows:

FSSAI Basic Registration
This is required for small business or startups which have annual turnover below Rs.12 lakhs. Basic registration can be upgraded to state license as your sales graph increases.
FSSAI State License
This license is applicable to mid-sized companies which have annual turnover between Rs.12-20 crores.
FSSAI Central License
This license is applicable typically on large business with annual turnover above Rs.20 crores. It is also required in cases where you need to supply at the government offices or import / export food products.
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FSSAI Eligibility Rules

Many times as a Food Business Owner it is difficult to determine what license to go for State or Central. Here, we list down the eligibility criteria so you can look up your type of business and swiftly proceed to acquire your food license.

Basic FSSAI Registration
Basic FSSAI registration is applicable for all food businesses and related activities like storage, sales, distribution, repacking and labelling for which the annual turnover does not cross Rs. 12 lakh or for food businesses which have a maximum turn over of Rs. 12 lakh Annually.
State FSSAI License Eligibility
Restaurants and Hotels, Meat processing Units and Slaughtering Units, Propreitary Foods, Food Procesing Units inclusive of corresponding retailers and repackers Vegetable Oil Processing Units as well as Production Units Dairy Units inclusive of Milk Chilling units.
Central FSSAI License Eligibility
5 Star Hotels and above, All Food Businesses inclusive of retailers, distributors, suppliers, and caterers mentioned for state license could apply for central license if their operations are at larger scale.(~20 crore or more), Restaurants/ Food processing and handling chains with multipe branches across various states have to obtain the Central FSSAI license for the main branch/head office, 100 % export oriented food processing/production units, Food processing units, relabellers, and repackers who are processing more than 2 Metric Tonnes per day excluding grains, cereals, and pulse milling units, Refrigerated storages holding a capacity of 10,000 Metric Tonnes or more, Wholesalers with their annual turnovers amounting to Rs. 30 Crores or more, Food Catering services located at airports as well as seaports

Why should you get the FSSAI License?

મફત સલાહ માટે અમારી સાથે સંપર્કમાં રહો — +919510973963

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